Friday, October 26, 2012

2,000 point Nurgle Chaos Space Marine list

So, after throwing some ideas around at the end of the last post, and thinking about it for a little bit, I came up with a fairly interesting 2,000 point list (using one Force Org chart) that at least looks like a blast to play! Check it out!


Sorcerer (Biomancy, +2 Mastery Levels, Mark of Nurgle, Vet, Palanquin of Nurgle, Gift of Mutation, Spell Familiar, Blight Grenades, Sigil of Corruption)



25 Plague Zombies

25 Plague Zombies

8 Plague Marines (Power Fist, Gift of Mutation, Meltagun, Plasmagun, Vets, Rhino)

8 Plague Marines (Power Fist, Gift of Mutation, Meltagun, Plasmagun, Vets, Rhino)

8 Plague Marines (Power Fist, Gift of Mutation, Meltagun, Plasmagun, Vets, Rhino)


5 Havocs (4 Autocannons)

5 Havocs (4 Autocannons)

5 Havocs (4 Autocannons)


Aegis Defense Line (Quad Gun)

2,000 pts
5 Scoring Units
94 models (plus defense line and quad gun)

So, I'm not sure where Typhus and the Sorcerer go, but I think they could actually take the Plague Zombies with them and go objective hunting/cleaning while the Plague Marines hold and defend mid-field objectives. Typhus isn't so bad in combat, but the Biomancy Sorcerer could be fantastic if he's able to successfully cast certain powers! The Havocs and the Defense Line on the other hand can deal with of all kinds of stuff all day long - they're REALLY good! I have the Plague Marine units at 8 guys deep instead of 10 guys because they get expensive quick, so I had to shave points off here and there. To make them 10-man units I'd have to drop a unit of havocs and some zombies and I'm not sure that's worth it. I'm not sure how competitive this list is but it seems really cool!


  1. Looks like a slick list. My only question is why you're using power fists. They've taken a big hit in this edition and I can't help but wonder if you'd be better off with power weapons and melta bombs.

    Loving the autocannon havocs. Methinks their weight of fire should be more effecient than flakk missiles anyway! :D

  2. Power Fists haven't taken a hit at all. They strike at double strength, same initiative, and same "special weapon" extra attack rule. In fact, they're one of few weapons that can deal with 2+ armor saves. If you know something I don't, please pass it on! However I'm certain they hold the same combat functionality that they always have.

    Also, Plague Marines are Initiative 3 so if they're going last in combat anyways they might as well be wielding a Fist to be able to instant-death T4 characters and it also adds some extra anti-armor capabilities.

    And yeah the Havocs are sick. I'm looking forward to seeing how they do tonight. :)

  3. Mine are always dead before they hit and frequently challenged out of where they can do the most good anyway. And with CSM having to accept challenges, I just imagined it would be even more difficult to use them.

    It's actually been a real quandary amongst my friends. The PF Sgt. is basically a sacrifice and for me he's sitting at 51 points without a combi-weapon. More than a termie for a guy who just waltzes up and dies. :(

  4. Ah yes, challenges. Well, there's not really a way to theoryhammer a way around that but hopefully people will be scared of a T5 FNP dude with a fist. Squad versus squad, yes I can see him getting challenged into losing his single wound to an initiative 2 or more power weapon. But again, Nurgle's slow anyways so that would mean naked sergeants for extreme effectiveness, and I just can't do it. They are needed for monstrous creatures and vehicles at least.

  5. Good points, and I can see how it is different when you're already slower. I'm just wondering what it means for MEQ Sgts as a whole. Whatdya think?
