Sunday, January 10, 2010

5th Edition Tyranids - First Thoughts

I've been playing 40k long enough to know how powerful Tyranids are and I've seen their changes throughout the years. Sometimes GW nails the codex, and other times they create a different army altogether. This time, however, I think they put out one of the Tyranids' best codexes so far. With the introduction of four new species and a host of kit-bashed monsters as actual entries in the codex, the 5th Edition bugs could prove to be a very competitive and fun army to play.

Going through the codex, I've come up with my very first 5th-ed Tyranid army list!

Swarm-Lord (280 points)
Parasite of Mortrex (160 points)

3x Hive Guard (150 points)
2x Zoanthropes, (120 points)
2x Zoanthropes, (120 points)

16 Termagaunts, (80 points)
16 Termagaunts, (80 points)
16 Termaguants, (80 points)
Tervigon, scything talons, catalyst (180 points)
Tervigon, scything talons, catalyst (180 points)

Trygon, Adrenal Glands (210 points)
Mawloc, Adrenal Glands (180 points)
Mawloc, Adrenal Glands (180 points)

Total: 2,000 points
Models: 62
Monstrous Creatures: 7

Now, I think this list may throw off the opponent. There's 62 models here but most of them are Termaguants. I'll likely lose a third of them in the first turn, and maybe a medium-sized creature or two, but on my turn some really cool things happen. Both Tervigons can spawn scoring Termagaunts! Later, the Parasite of Mortrex can turn outflankers and some other models into d6 ripper bases, and thanks to the Swarm-Lord, the Trygon and Mawloc get +1 to their reserve rolls! Basically, I loaded up on the big nasties, hoping that they can spawn enough chumps to help bog down the opponent until the MC's can get where they need to be. The list appears to be a "Nidzilla" of sorts but should produce enough numbers to quickly overwhelm the opponent by mid-game when I've taken a bit of casualties anyways.

And here's a disgusting Vanguard list:

The Parasite of Mortrex (160 points)
Hive Tyrant, Wings, Old Adversary (255 points)

2x Lictors (130 points)

20x Hormagaunts, Landing Spore (160 points)
20x Hormagaunts, Landing Spore (160 points)
20x Hormagaunts, Landing Spore (160 points)

Fast Attack
21x Gargoyles, Adrenal Glands (147 points)
21x Gargoyles, Adrenal Glands (147 points)
Harpy, Twin-Linked Heavy Venom Cannon (170 points)

Heavy Support
Mawloc, Adrenal Glands (180 points)
Mawloc, Adrenal Glands (180 points)

Total: 1,849 points
Models: 112
Monstrous Creatures: 8

Now, with this list, the point is to be in your opponent's face so quickly that they only really have one turn to shoot you down (two tops) before you're in hand to hand with everything. As things start to get worn down, two Mawlocs will come to the rescue (with a +2 to the reserves roll thanks to the two Lictors, so turn 2 is a 2+, turn 3 is automatic), using two S6 AP2 large blasts to tear open holes in your opponent's defenses.

Now, I have no idea how these lists will actually perform but I'm definitely looking forward to the new book, due out Friday of next week!

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